Friday, September 6, 2013

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

    Hi there!  Please take a minute to listen...


   This is a song that is so dear to is a language for me when there are no words.  Often we are overcome with a sense of being defeated.  No matter the cause, defeat is often the effect.  I'm in a place of defeat but thankful to be a child of the One who was not defeated. 
  I miss Joeli more than words can say.  When things become dark I'm not always quick to run to His feet but I eventually end up there and it truly is where joy and sorrow meet.  I find her there.  One day I'll hold her there.  Oh Lord, give me strength.  I have so many who are close to me who are hurting and who are in places of life that we'd never want to be.  Somehow I have to find the good here.  I feel compelled to do so.  Otherwise, ears become deaf, mouths become silent, and hearts become hardened to a condition that is already fighting to be heard. 
  Don't lose hope.  We are not called to be hopeless.  Encourage, fight hard, and sing loud!  In times like right this moment it hurts to take a breath.  I feel like part of me is gone...that's true.  The pain often becomes blinding.  The treatments I'm blessed to receive through GCSF and physicians who listen yield guilt that is borderline impossible to bear.  She deserved this too.  Every child and/or person affected by Neutropenia deserve to be treated with appropriate and educated medical treatment no matter the rarity of the condition. 
  Are you in the throws of defeat?  I'm begging you, refuse to allow defeat to send Neutropenia awareness to a holding cell of solitary confinement! 
                                              Sing LOUD!

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