Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bravery Defined...

  Do you look to anyone in your life and see a portrait of bravery?  I have been blessed to cross paths with several people in my lifetime who clearly define the word "Brave".  One of them calls me "Mama" =).   In the world of social networking, I've made life long friends whom I've never had the privilege of meeting and have also become a member of intricate groups of mothers who fight for their children's wellness.  I limit myself on my involvement at times because it's easy to become lost in posts and comments and issues.   Occasionally my name will be thrown out there due to my experience with Cyclic Neutropenia and Joeli's Song.  Last night was one of those nights. 
  For my family, GCSF injections are just part of life.  Mileigh received her first one at 3 weeks of age so she knows no different.  Many may not see that as a blessing but it very much is in it's own way.  I remember starting GCSF in the first clinical trials before dose regulations and before much was known in the way of side affects...she will never know that and that makes me smile.  It's often difficult to explain to our babies that we need to give them a "shot"...the word itself causes grown folks to cringe.  Typical children require that conversation once a year or so in regard to immunizations or maybe an injection for a random illness here and there.  Being required to have that conversation with your 2 or 3 year old on a daily basis can quickly become exhausting and somewhat depressing.  We become the "bad guy" in order to keep them well and that's a hard pill to swallow when the stress of it all has compiled. 
   All of this said, we are pretty creative creatures and often come up with ways to explain and teach in even the most difficult of situations.  I've used countless analogies as to what exactly GCSF does and why it's so important that Mileigh gets her injection.  I'd never thought to video her during this and I'm not sure why, other than it was just a normal procedure in our day.  One of my friends in one of those virtual settings threw my name out there last night in a conversation regarding Mileigh.  Mileigh is now 5 but started last year giving her own injection.  Once a part of the conversation I thought maybe a video would help.  Often the nerves of a child, and even an adult, can be calmed if they can just SEE what's going on.  It gives a certain degree of control to them.  So...I talked to Mileigh and explained to her that there are other kids like her who take shots every day but sometimes they get very scared.  I asked if I could video her on my phone so that, that little one could see how brave she was so that they could be brave too. 

  For those of you who know Mi, she was eager to help and ready to hit record before I had the injection drawn up.  I love that about her.  She did great and I posted the video so this mama could see and show her child a new perspective on injections.  Before I could set the phone down it was lighting up with notifications of response.  I needed that encouragement just as much as they needed a fresh look into GCSF injections.  I wanted to post the video for you to see.  I am so proud of my MiBeth!!!  She is fighting for Neutropenia awareness hand in hand with Joeli.  The vision of that nearly takes my breath because she never got to hold Joeli's hand on this earth but nothing, not Neutropenia or anything of this world, can take away what all three of my girls share and what they were born to do!  Neutropenia may never affect you or anyone close to you but please know that it is a silent, daily struggle for many.  Please share and Be Blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! U tell MiBeth for me that Caryl says she's a hero! I miss those girls and their mamma!
