Monday, February 18, 2013

Feeling the Pressure?...

  Today, I'm reminded of the ever present pressures of this fast paced world.  Funny thing is my reminder was the beginning symptoms of a sinus infection.  I kind of laugh when I think of how silly that is but...  it is what it is right?!  I woke up this morning with my normal stiffness thanks to fibromyalgia but for some reason I felt like there was something punching me in the nose ha!  I breathed in deep looking for the energy to throw myself out of bed and get back to the routine of school for my sweet girls.  It's a brand new day and even with the current "traffic jams" there's reason to smile. 
    I find myself thinking about the pressures of society, the medical community, school, friends, and let's not forget family.  If I allow myself to think about it all very much I'm quickly overwhelmed; especially in regard to the pressures of Cyclic Neutropenia.  Where are our counts?  Who is going to be there?  Is anyone sick or recently sick?  Is it buffet, because that won't fly?  The hospital didn't send the records!  The fax didn't go through!  Shall I go on?  Nah, you know what I'm saying.  I know it seems like so much and believe me it does to me too.  I have to constantly remind myself that it's just pressure.  Ever heard that before?  "It won't hurt at all...just a little bit of pressure" LOL...  I recall certain dental visits where I heard that bold faced lie before!  Kind of makes me want to run out screaming "LIAR" to the top of my lungs.  Then I laugh for a half second and realize that might not go over too well.
   As a parent, I've often heard other parents tell their small children that it (be it a shot or exam) won't hurt a bit.  Now, I'm not condemning for one second because if it works for you and your child then by all means.  However, this doesn't work for us.  If my girls are due for immunizations or blood work or whatever and they question me on the level of pain they are about to be subjected to I'm truthful.  Now, that said I am sure to include, in my honest responses to them, that pain is temporary.  I tell them that the hurt won't last long and that it's ok to cry and it's ok to be angry about it for a minute but know it will be over soon.
   In regard to the daily pressures of living with a condition that prevents you from fighting infection, don't you find yourself almost ill when you have to ask if that towel has already been used or how many more days do you have before the dreaded bottom of neutrophils?  We do...often actually.  I'll admit that I even feel some irritation when typically healthy people or uneducated physicians respond to me as if I'm a germaphobe without good reason.  Talk about pressure!  Hopefully, my delivery of this post doesn't hit like a rant because that certainly isn't my intent.  I simply just feel pressured today.  It's not all bad and many, myself included, often are more productive under a certain degree of pressure.  There are certainly good aspects of pressure...  Feel free to add your good aspect in the comments (I'm laughing again inside). 
  I hope that you find me very light hearted in response to this often painful topic.  Laughter relieves pressure (smile).  So laugh!  Next time you find yourself in a situation involving "just a little pressure", think about running out while screaming "LIAR" as loud as you can!  That should produce minimal relief in the midst of an uncomfortable moment.  I would love to be graced with your comments and responses but rest assured, no pressure here ;).  Be Blessed!

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