Friday, August 8, 2014

BMB, HLA...Just Another Day!

 Hey Y'all!  So...this summer has been insane and has flown by so quick!  In just 2 short months we've traveled to and through 6 states, made friendships that will last a life time, come face to face with facts and decisions we wish we weren't a part of, and prayed through a procedure that will become "routine".    Shortly after returning home from the Neutropenia conference in Ann Arbor, MI we were scheduled for Mileigh's first Bone Marrow Biopsy (BMB) and HLA typing for Chad, Brelan, and Mileigh.  Mileigh's physicians are a little drive away so we were referred to the Ronald McDonald House for the night prior to her procedure so that she wouldn't have to be awake so long without eating prior.  I vaguely remember a stay in a Ronald McDonald House around the time of my diagnosis in 1985.  What an amazing organization!  It truly was a "home" away from home. 
  We haven't received results at this point other than what we already knew.  She was severely neutropenic at the time of the procedure but we knew that too.  Her ANC was 200 and that was after days of GCSF boosts and rest.  Cyclic Neutropenia, as all neutropenias, certainly has a mind of it's own.  It responds when it's good and ready and only then.  No sooner.  One of the findings read "high number of immature cells to mature cells"....ya think?!  As a mama, I am very anxious about the rest of the results and just want my girl well.  The process for the BMB isn't terrible but for me...the only memory and experience I had to this point was with Joeli and that didn't go well.  I spent a sleepless night in the Ronald McDonald House holding Mileigh, praying over Mileigh, crying, thinking of Joeli, and wondering how different life might be without Neutropenia.  The procedure for Mileigh was very different from Joeli's.  It was different in a positive way.  We were informed and treated very well.  The doctors spoke directly to Mileigh and eased her little nerves.  She is definitely my child and had plenty to say HA!  She woke from her anesthesia induced nap in a fierce way!  She demanded answers..."where is my mama?", "are yall done!?", and "I wanna go home, now!".  I smile when I remember that curly headed girl waking up such a beast.  They had to close the glass recovery room doors because she didn't care who heard.  Man, what have I gotten myself into?!
  Then there's my Brelan with her huge heart.  Brelan has only had bloodwork drawn once in her whole 8 years and she jumped in that lab chair like it wasn't nothing because this was to help her baby sister!  How in the world did I get so lucky to call these girls mine!?  Brelan has grown so much and so fast lately.  I tried to capture that with photos over the summer in Michigan and also while she was literally and figuratively beside her baby sister through these processes.  I am so proud of the little people they are.  I see how Brelan looks at Mileigh and am reminded of how Joeli looked at Brelan.  Brelan doesn't have her own memories of her big sister but she's been given more than a memory.  She has been qualities of Joeli that she can be proud of.  If only we could all love that big! 
  So for now, we wait...we pray...we hope...we continue to raise awareness and remain thankful for what we have.  There's so much to say and so much to do.  School starts next week and that's a whole different post.  I pray that y'all find encouragement here and I truly appreciate the encouragement you give.  Sing Loud, Be Blessed!

Here are a few pics from this time =)  I particularly adore the one of Brelan at Mileigh's screams "I love my baby sister and she's mine!" to me. 
Brelan and MiBeth with Ronald McDonald himself at the house =).

My Neutrohero.

My brave Brelan!


Sweet sisters.

Ready to get this over with!  New "lovey" for the O.R.

I adore this love!  Such a sweet big sister!
HLA information.

All Done!

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